5 ways to be a traveler at home

Coming back home after a long travel isn´t sometimes a nice feeling. First you just want to go back on the road and then you will have the impression that everything at home is just boring and simple. However there are activities to keep these wanderlust feelings alive while reorganizing your life at home and […]
10 ways to save money while traveling

1. Eat local There is no better way to save money than eating like a local, beside that you can also experience what the local cusine taste like and when I mean eating local, I don´t mean expensive restaurants in in the main square, but hawkers in places like South America or South East Asia are […]
10 steps for finding the cheapest flight ticket

In October 2014 I booked over 15 different flights to different destinations all around Asia and paid less than 120USD. Some friends asked me how I managed to find tickets at such a price and to be honest: it was 70% strategy and 30% luck, but with some of these tips you can find your […]
10 ways to save money for your travels

Saving money for your travels its different than saving for products or benefits. Saving money for traveling is saving money for living. Somentimes can be difficult and could take months or years, specially if you are an student like me. This year I saved over 10.000 USD for my dream trip and I will tell you […]