Best things to do in Nouakchott
Far off the bucket list of many travelers, Nouakchott is a hidden gem in Mauritania where travelers can see how life in the Sahara was decades ago. Not many people would consider adding Mauritania to their travel plans. However, those who do, are welcome to a country full of mystery, cultural diversity, and a fascinating […]
Traveling to Chinguetti and Ouadane – Mauritania‘s gateway to the Sahara
Located in the outskirts of the Sahara, Chinguetti and Ouadane are two hidden gems Mauritania is hidding from the rest of the world. Unspoiled, mysterious and rich in culture, the cities of Chinguetti and Ouadane in Mauritania are an ode to the past. More than 1000 years ago, they were two of the most important […]