18 photographs showing the world from a bird´s eyes

AirPano is a not-for-profit project created by a team of Russian photo enthusiasts focused on taking high-resolution aerial panoramic photographs. With 360° photographs, 360° videos and wonderful panoramic aereal videos, AirPano is showing the world from a perspective some of us could only imagine. I made a short copilation of some of the most interesting […]
Another 11 tattoos inspiring you to travel the world

Tattoos are forever. So if you want to get one, it should definitely be the thing you love the most Tattoos remind us of memories, loved ones and experiences. It´s a symbol that represents your personality and passions. Over the past days I have been asking our readers to share some of their travel tattoos and […]
Can you recognize all these Mexican dishes

by Sofia Jimenez Anybody who has ever been to Mexico knows: one of the greatest things the country has to offer is the food. The variety is huge and there are so many colors and strong flavors, to me as a Mexican it´s definitely one of the things I love the most about my country […]