6 tips to get to know new place better

by Aura Jimenez I know there’s much more in a place than its main attractions. Of course, everybody loves visiting the centerpieces of a city, taking one or another selfie and posing like you are grabing the Eifel Tower in Paris with your fingers. However, for me, this just isn’t enough and if you prefer absorbing the culture […]
5 things you will miss during your exchange and 5 more you will miss back at home

Image by: Fernando de Sousa for flickt 1. Having long conversations with your friends at home about anything important Remember those conversations about who will be eaten by aliens first? Being in an exchange means meeting new people and new friends every day. At first this might sound very interesting and fun but there are […]
How do other languages indicate laughter while texting

While chatting, messaging and using other internet resources, we know that we indicate laughter by just typing “haha”, but did you ever wondered how is it written in other languages. I found these photographs indicating who different languages from different parts of the world type this very common expression. Lets find out! Images were taken […]
Do you know where these beers are from?

Tell me what you drink and I tell you where you have been. There is no better way to taste a country than drinking their local beer. Beer can be found worldwide and from country to country it tastes and looks different. I decided to make a list of 10 of my favourite beers […]
Can you identify these cities?

Vincent Laforet is a French/American photographer who worked for magazines like National Geographic and Life His last proyect is called Air and it shows beautiful aereal photographs of cities worldwide So we took some of Vincent´s photographs and want to see how well do you know some of the most famous cities in the […]
5 ways to be a traveler at home

Coming back home after a long travel isn´t sometimes a nice feeling. First you just want to go back on the road and then you will have the impression that everything at home is just boring and simple. However there are activities to keep these wanderlust feelings alive while reorganizing your life at home and […]